Rachael came highly recommended to us in 2011 following some concerns that were raised with our sons ability to follow commands early in Key stage 1. Rachael carried out a thorough speech and language assessment over two sessions and from that, conclusions were documented and recommendations made by Rachael. She worked tirelessly alongside our sons school, producing a speech and language therapy plan and sharing this with the school so that all parties were able to support him appropriately, also visiting and working with him on his targets in his home environment. Thanks to Rachael’s expertise, professionalism and determination to ensure our son was supported both emotionally and academically, as well as supporting us as parents which was invaluable, we are so thrilled to report that our son is thriving and happy at school and home. Thank you Rachael for always being there whenever we needed you and for always supporting us. We are happy to highly recommend Rachael to any prospective clients.